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His Obession

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Written by tlmivy 13 years ago in Straight Sex Stories. 0 Favorites. 0 Views.

Ever get that feeling that someone is watching you? I swear I feel it everytime I go out of my house, even when I am in my kitchen I can feel it. It gives me the freakin chills to no end. So, while I am grocery shopping today, I have that feeling again! I turn in all directions trying to pin point someone, something, anything that might be there. "Nothing, I just don't get it," I say to myself.

I am in the produce isle now, scanning several different bags of grapes, thinking that for 1.99 a pound these grapes look like crap. I finally drop the bag into my cart, hoping that when I decide to chomp into one on my way home it will not be sour. I go from isle to isle purchasing several items, really not paying much attention to people around me. Suddenly there is a large bang behind me, a can fall's off the shelf and rolls past my feet. I bend down and pick it up, then three more fall. "What the heck!" I yell. Everyone in the isle stops and looks at me as if I was the one knocking off the cans. I smile and shake my head, embarrassed because I hate it when people qawk. I pick up the can's place them in the emply spots, but just before I place the last can I see someone on the other side, someone's eyeball staring right at me. It freaked me out, I drop the can quickly on the shelf and move on down the isle towards the registers.

Once there, I have to wait in line forever for the little blue haired lady, who takes her good ole time placing her items on the belt. She looks up and smiles, "Oh sorry, honey if I'd known you only getting those few items I would have let you go first." "Oh, that is ok, I am not in a hurry, but thank you." I lie. Thinking to myself, she needs to get a move on. "Oh my gawd, I have that feeling againg, who is watching me?" I swing around really fast almost knocking out the kid behind me with my purse. The look in my eyes was frantic. I decide right then and there, I have to go. I could no longer stand there, I push my cart to the side of the next register and walk quickly out the door.

As I reach my car, I can see a piece of paper flapping in the cold wind, it's a wonder it isn't sticking to the window shield with all the rain. "Great, another flyer." I mumble under my breath. I yank it off, open my car door and throw it on the floor on the passenger's side. " I look in the mirror and I can see my makeup is starting to run from the rain outside." I open my purse searching for a kleenex or something to wipe my cheeks. "Crap, forgot I used them all up." I threw my purse on the seat and it falls off onto the floor right next to the balled up paper. "You will be of use to me after all," I say reaching down to pick it up, I uncrumple it and notice the writing is not that of a printer for a flyer, it is in pen so I start to read what I can of it. "I am wat....u. don't....yo....wa....e?" "Whatever." I say out loud and go on with wiping my cheeks the best I could. "There, at least I don't look like a passed around hoe anymore."

I start my car, back out of my spot and head on my way home. My cell phone chirps, I can't answer it so I just keep driving, no time to stop have to get home before boys get off the bus, my youngest son forgot his keys today so he will need to be let in. Thank God for Fridays off! The phone chirps again and again and again. I get to my drive way, pull in and notice from behind me the bus is coming up the road, so I wait for Cody to get off and climb in the car with me. While waiting I check the message's on my phone. "why did you throw my note down?", next message, "i said, why did you do that?", then the last message stated, "DON'T IGNORE ME, WHY DID YOU THROW MY NOTE DOWN, WHY DID YOU KNOW READ IT?".