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soul of a blackman

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Written by dboy 12 years ago in Straight Sex Stories. 0 Favorites. 0 Views.

Like drumbeats to the ears
Her feet’s sound hunts keeping sleep in arrears
Eyes are wished blind
The head whispers to the heart what the eyes cannot see the mind cannot remind.

But alas, my graceful image of beauty
Sweet fragrance of the morning dew
Reflector of the rays of heaven
Warm shelter from the rains uneven
The solid gates of the eyes are asunder
The ingenious words of the lips held to a mere stutter

Jealousy plagues the sun as it casts its rage on the wooden limbs of shadows mortal
As they pay homage to the wishful sways of thy raven hair
As it moves silkily to the swift beats of the windy drummer
Drumming in tune with the swirls of thy mortal garments
Given purpose by the clatter of shoes whose origins are better hollow

But like the wind which is gone in an instance
The presence is gone and all that’s left is a feeling
A feeling, a vision of the possibilities
Pulse race hearts melt
Theories are made plans are hatched
But the distance between two points maybe at some point in-between
With the sailing dust she was and is
Certainly gone with the wind

“Hm” muffling a curse he rolled from one end of the bed to the other trying to avoid the moist cold dew the hammattan season sent into his room. Turning upwards to face the ceiling of his room, his beady eyes roamed from edge to corner examining every inch of it. Silently, he inhaled hard taking in the smell of firewood ... ah! Certainly mama was cooking.
Stretching his 5ft 2inch frame on the bed his eyes reflected the happiness he felt in his heart. He alone owned this room now for Joshua his elder brother was gone ... well not really gone gone, he just got admission into the university and hence for the better part of the year this was his, all his. Sitting up he once again looked around taking in the full length and breadth of his domain. The whistling of the waking wind drew his attention to a piece of paper going with the wind. Watching it soar, a queer smile broadened his face at least the lower half as the task for today came to his mind... his personally assigned task.
Making a quick spin on his buttocks he searched frantically for it ravaging through the books that graced his bed side. Stopping mid air between sitting down and getting up across his mind fluttered a picture, one he had just let fly by and away... making a dash for it he went out the door knocking over a bucket of water his head narrowly missing the door post. With the stance of a wrestler he looked from left to right eyes greedily scanning the horizon heart longing for some glimpse of hope. Ah! He exclaims in victory for in the distance she floated mingling with the fufu wrappers of the night past held down by the shear will of the mango trees trunk, walking towards it he shuts his eyes as he sways his head from side to side. Triumphantly picking it up he leaned his back against the tree appreciative of the rendered help, it was certainly his day yesterday freedom today manhood. Certainly lightning struck twice in the same place.

Her eyes moistened with tears, wiggling her nose she moved to the left then to the right trying to avoid the smoke whilst she adjusted the position of the firewood.
Gently placing the pot on the set firewood she quickly turned away for a few moments of respite trying to catch her breath. Placing her arms around her body she walked away into the cool hammattan breeze head held high against it.
She smiled to herself as old and once forgotten tunes echoed from the compound, her face contorted into a frown when it occurred to her who the most likely suspect could be. She knew pa Atwi wouldn’t hum like that especially not now that he wasn’t feeling well; her thoughts were halted when her answer came in the form of Enemi. His silhouette figure came alight with the droplets of water on it reflecting the flames of the burning firewood.
“This is early?” her mind questions.
Observing her questioning stance, Enemi simply walked by delivering a cold greeting as he hurried along trying to avoid any quarrel that mind ruin his mood this morning. No one, not even his elder brothers’ wife will ruin this beautiful day, he walked briskly avoiding those brooding eyes of witchcraft his mother had always complained and warned him about lest they curse and cause his mission to fail. His people had this adage that had to do with the belief that the success of the day depended on who you saw first in the morning, for his sake he hoped that wasn’t true else he was done for.

Strolling by the stream the sounds of bathing children and the clinging metal sounds of buckets filled the air sending echoes far into the woods, echoes highlighted by the sounds of passersby. The village was alive.
“Already?” he questioned.
“Enemi, Enemi quickly with one two strides he was well hidden behind a nearby bush watching as his bosom friend came matching up the road. He watched the confused lad scratch the top of his head, make up his mind and join a group of other students on their way to school. Waiting for a couple of minutes, he looked from left to right to ensure no other unwanted companion was coming. Confirming his loneliness he came out of the bushes with a jump that inspires a shout from her. His body performs where his mouth fails as he is quick to grab her placing a hand across her mouth shielding the environs from her sudden outburst. Mumbling a few words into her ears she opens her eyes chest heaving in a sigh of relief.
His smile was identical to that which graced his facial features at the start of the day; he had just found the object of his quest.
Sarah, a 5ft 3inches charcoal skinned girl stared back at him somewhat apprehensive at the level of attention coming from the toothpaste smiling chap standing before her. Replying with a quick smile the sound of coming feet brings relief to her wandering mind, turning around she recognises the voices and moves to join them. Watching his opportunity slip he springs into action, dashing after her.
“Sarah, Sarah wait” he begs looking from side to side trying to avoid prying eyes.
“What is it?” she snapped back.
Without uttering a word he quickly slipped a folded sheet of paper into her hand and ran away leaving a startled look on her face.

Seated in class her silence only increased his anxiety. His eyes moved only between two focal points, the wooden clock behind the teacher and her seat. Once, he saw her scribble what his heart felt to be her answer, yet nothing was passed along.
This went on for each class that they had, recess and finally the bell was rung for them to go home... the day had ended. Ignoring his friends he chose to stay behind to get his answer, she most likely wanted to talk with him in private that must have been why she stared at him when the bell rang. Stretching his legs he looked at his wrist watch this was definitely going the way he had planned it to.

He had been here for thirty minutes and nothing, she most likely had refused his request or she was waiting for him at the junction where... he sprinted out of the room angry at his stupidity. Of course, that was where they met for the very first time and where he had given her the letter... he hoped he wasn’t too late.

Approaching the junction he slowed down to catch his breath trying to appear calm despite the beads of sweat that framed and raced down his brows. The wind was beginning to pick up pace as he walked calmly against its flow. His eyes opened in excitement when he saw a familiar shirt in the distance, increasing his pace he ignored the side comments from the women returning home from their days task, the look of surprise from a familiar elder or two with whom he exchanged greetings, greetings that were brief enough to avoid questions yet long enough to emphasize respect.
Upon getting closer his excitement dropped when he realised that it wasn’t her, walking past the familiar shirt he ignored her greetings, storming down the road in annoyance.
The cracking sound of thunder warned of the impending storm, cutting across the fields of maize he decided to take a short cut that would save him time. His mind wandered back to the topic of interest...Sarah, why did she not reply or even wait to see him. Looking up to the heavens for an answer his eyes narrowed into slits as all he got was the roar of thunder plus a lightening flash or two. Stifling a blaspheme or two he increased his pace, just in case she was waiting for him at home...
His mind would have gone on thinking, working on the possibilities but for the sounds of coming feet that reached his ears. He was the only one that took this path for the others were afraid of the legendary snake that leaved in it. A fear he had discarded a long time ago since his mothers’ revelation of his immortal bloodline protection. Who could this be, rather they?
Sarah! Who else, most likely with her friends. His brother once told him they liked that kind of thing. Smiling he turned around with a smile that overshadowed his best for the morning.
“p a o u!” nothing could have prepared the trees and crops for the echoes that rustled their leaves causing the maiden flight of the birds to start prematurely. The slap vibrated from one eardrum to the other, cutting of his ability to scream he drooped to the floor in a thud. Their voices rose high yet was of ill effect as his tear filled eyes was battling to make them out whilst his ears couldn’t focus on their flurry of words.
“Stay away from our sister! Or we will kill you” the last sentence or part of it filtered in loud and clear. Shaking his head to throw out all the doubt he decided to flee before the threat was realised. Raising his head with the support of his hands he recognised the gang of six to be Sarah’s brothers, his eyes followed the outline of their muscled bodies down to the tip of the thin object in their hands... his eyes widened at the realisation of what it was, the famous salt and pepper cane.
Sensing his immediate danger for they were not famous for their kindness in the village, he did a quick spin on his buttocks and took off down the road shouting at the top of his lungs not just to draw needed attention but to outwardly express the pain that shot through his body as several lashes made dark lines on his white shirt.

Racing past the stream he cut across several compounds displaying his renowned athletism, even across forbidden fences. He could no longer hear their racing steps nor feel their strokes yet the pain in his back propelled him onward, his fence in view. He jumped over it with ease for it was lower than its counterparts in the area. He was yet in mid air when the smile of survival that broadened his jaw line vanished replaced by a look of disgust when he caught a glimpse of his landing spot. Crashing to the floor, he rolled on it smearing his face with the mixture of dirt, dust and animal dung. This was the designated dustbin of the compound.
Exhaling, he eyed the bewildered goats staring at him in utter confusion. Trying to scrape off the dirt on his face he reflected on his day thus far...
Why? Despite her signals, smiles or was his elder brother wrong. No, he couldn’t possibly be he was always right. She definitely liked him but why the attack of the evil brethren, they should be happy someone like him the star of the village was interested in their They must be jealous of his achievements how did they know, who told them certainly not his angel. Even if she did she was probably testing his love, how deep it was... yes his brother once said that they liked to do that. Then he wouldn’t fail, certainly not him. He would face her brothers like Romeo in their literature text in class. His smile broadened and when it could broaden no further it transformed into a laugh, a laughter that rang out high and into distance...

Staring at him her convictions were confirmed, holding unto her husband who had just returned from his journey with tears in her eyes she whispered words of comfort to him. In silence he walked away into his room. Adda, Bimko and Grefa had told him of Enemis shocking behaviour earlier when they had seen him on their way home. Walking out through the side door, he walked quickly scouting around rope in hand for any help he could get to tie down the mad Enemi.